Monday, 18 October 2021

Unbelievable Football 2 by Matt Oldfield

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Published by: Wren and Rook, Hachette, 19th August 2021


It's been a while since I reviewed a non-fiction book and it was an absolute joy to return it with Unbelieveable Football 2 by Matt Oldfield. With all the recent tension of the European Football Championship, the rise of women's football and the upcoming anticipation of the next World Cup in 2022, it's pretty clear that football is a much loved global sport. Did you know, however, that it has the power to change the world?

Unbelievable Football 2 explores further true tales where the game of football has been used for good or where footballers themselves have contributed to society in a powerful way. From Marcus Rashford's lockdown campaign to end food poverty to making football kits out of waste to The Street Child World Cup, this is an incredible insight into how football really has made a difference across the planet.

Having a football mad daughter, I am more than familiar with the names of football grounds, famous footballers and the latest football kits. What I didn't have a clue about, however, was how long football dates back and how instrumental it has been throughout the years. As a result, the stories in this book simply blew me away. It's an engaging history lesson through the beloved angle of football and so fascinating that it's immediately sent me reaching for book 1. I particularly enjoyed the story of 'Panyee Football Club and Their Fantastic Floating Pitch', 'Mahatma Gandhi's Passive Resisters' and 'The Supergoats Who Fell in Love with Football.'

This book is perfect for both football fans and history lessons. Written for a middle-grade audience in an accessible, easy-to-read font, it has an informal, conversational tone and reaches out to engage the reader. It's one of those ideas which make you wonder why it hasn't be done before and it would be wonderful to see more of these non-fiction books on the shelves. 

A big thanks to Hachette for providing me with a review copy. Unbelieveable Football 2 is available to buy now. 

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