Sunday, 19 January 2020

I am a Tiger by Karl Newson and Ross Collins

Published by: July 2019, Scholastic Press


Want to make a four year old belly laugh? How about reading Karl Newson's 'I am a Tiger'. Of course, it make not work for every four year old but, I mean tiger...has such an amusing personality that it's definitely worth a meet and greet.
Be careful though! Tigers are fierce and full of GRRRRR! This one in particular...

Mouse is convinced she/he is a tiger. Everyone else is not so sure but mouse is! She knows exactly who everyone is...even tiger...and she can do all things tigers can...

...until she sees her reflection.

Ah! How could mouse have got things so wrong?

This picture book is a perfect example of strong characterisation. Mouse's personality is so strong and memorable, she literally jumps off the page. And, of course, that leaves us wanting more. Fingers crossed because I hear a whisper there may be more to come...

There isn't an awful lot of action in the story but there doesn't need to be. Mouse's muddled musings hold us and all the other characters to attention, keeping us delightfully entertained. The story has a fun, nonsensical feel to it and stands out in originality and imagination.

Both myself and my four year old are very much looking forward to sharing more books by Karl Newson...and definitely to hearing more from mouse.

                  'I am NOT an elephant' will be released on 6th February by PanMacmillan:

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