Thursday, 20 February 2020

Rhinocorn Rules by Matt Carr

Rhinocorn Rules on Goodreads

Published: 2020, Egmont


If you are looking for a bit of psychedelic colour and cheer during this stormy month of February then look no further than Matt Carr's Rhinocorn Rules. 
Ron the Rhino looks like all the other rhinos but feels different. This makes it very hard for him to follow the rules of his species - so much so that he breaks them and becomes exactly who he wants to be!
But, uh-oh! Ron's decision doesn't go down well with the other rhinos on the savannah. Can he convince them that these rules are holding them back from happiness?
Following the success of Matt Carr's Spyder (if you haven't read it, please do!), Rhinocorn Rules is beautifully but simply written. It's succinct style gets straight to the point, leaving us to be dazzled by delightful Ron and the wonderful pictures. The message is as neon as the colours on the cover. Be whoever you want to be! However, it also tackles the challenges of social conventions and public opinion whilst allowing children to explore which rules should be kept and which are made to be broken.
Everything about this book is charming; the characters, the setting and the style. But overall it carries a message that everyone, big or small, needs to hear and celebrate.

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