Tuesday, 9 June 2020

#BLOGTOUR for The Bum That Barked by Elisa Peacock and Rowena Aitken

WELCOME to the next stop of the blog tour for 'The Bum That Barked' - a debut picture book written by Elisa Peacock, illustrated by Rowena Aitken and published by Tiny Tree Books. We are delighted to be hosting them today and hope that you enjoy our review of the book.

Released: June 11th 2020

Toilet humour is marmite! However, when it comes to bogeys, burps, bums, farts-you name it-my four year old son loves it.
So imagine his absolute delight when he opened the cover of this new release and discovered a talking bum with a life and a dream of its own.

Bean the dog is shocked when his derriere starts talking to him one day. Bongo Bum has aspirations of being a singer but is too scared to reveal himself to the world and so ropes in Bean to help him. Their secret double act quickly shoots them to stardom but when Bean turns to comfort eating to soothe his stage fright, Bongo Bum may have no control over what tune he blasts out.

Bursting with glitz and glamour, this razzmatazz tale is a bonkers and humorous antidote to these troubled times, yet delivers an important message about teamwork, friendship and embracing who you truly are. Flamboyant and fabulous, it speaks to the inner diva in all of us and encourages readers to showcase talent and reach for the stars. After all, if a talking bum can do it then surely so can we!

Of course, the road to success is never easy. If Bongo Bum and Bean are going to make it, they're both going to have to face their fears and harness their nerves. And when things don't go to plan? They pick themselves up and carry on! 

If you're happy with yourself then others tend to jump on board. 
I recommend jumping on board with this book as it's message goes deeper than simple toilet humour. Step into the pages and be dazzled.  Just be careful you're not blown away in the process...

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