Thursday, 4 May 2023

NEW RELEASE: Lenny Lemmon and the Invincible Rat by Ben Davis, illustrated by James Lancett

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Published by: Nosy Crow, 4th May 2023


Released today, Lenny Lemmon and the Invincible Rat is an hilarious caper and history lesson (sort of) rolled into one. It's perfect for those who love a school setting drama and maybe not so perfect for those - like me - who don't like devilish rodents. But don't worry, you're safe! This unleashed rat is safely contained within the pages of the book in a story so funny that I can't imagine anyone not enjoying it. 

It's Olden Days Day at Lenny Lemmon's school and he's super excited. But when his Olden Day 'Show and Tell' contribution - a wild rat in a box - escapes, pandemonium reigns across the school. Can Lenny, his best mate and new girl, Jessica catch the cunning culprit of chaos before too much damage is done?

With themes of friendship, fitting in and good old fashioned school rivalry, this is an upbeat, action-packed spoof that places humour right at the top of the menu alongside a bowl of gruel, a bag of flour and chunks of cheese. The villainous rat is star of the show, closely followed by a relatable Lenny and an awesome Jessica who's both hilarious and unexpected. Surely this is the worst day at school anyone could ever have?

The simple plot is elevated into something special by Ben Davis' lively writing, spot-on dialogue and genius comic timing. Accompanied by James Lancett's fabulous illustrations - that rat's expression says it all - it is the perfect text for reluctant readers; short, accessible and with lots of white space on the page. If funny books are in demand, and I keep hearing they are, then this is an absolute winner, ratty and all. 

A big thanks to NetGalley and Nosy Crow for allowing me a review copy. Lenny Lemmon and the Invincible Rat is out today, 4th May 2023, in the UK. 


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