Monday, 16 December 2024

It's our seasonal Christmas and wintery round-up 2024...

It's been extra busy in our house this year with new jobs, new schools and all sorts going on. That's made it even more important to find those quiet, cosy moments to read and relax. But even though we may not have got through as many Christmassy books as we usually do, we still have some fabulous recommendations, including some with a wintery rather than festive theme.

Picture books:

Yeti's Don't Exist by Kate Thompson and Loretta Schauer

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Published by: Bonnier Books (Templar), 7th November 2024

In three words: Yeti's, Humour, Rhyme

This beautifully illustrated book, complete with MAPS, is such a wintery delight that we just had to include it. Iggy, the yeti, has to be the cutest picture book character of 2024 and, after becoming completely immersed in his adventure, we are now ending the year with a yeti-themed New Year's Eve party...

Have you heard the news?
You've been BAMBOOZLED. . .


Iggy and his friends are a bit confused. They're yetis and they certainly DO exist. So off they set on a journey to prove their existence. All they have to do is find the humans and tell them...

There's something really special about the visual scenes in this picture book, brought to life by Loretta Schauer. Combined with Kate Thompson's gorgeous language and endearing rhyme, every page is breathtaking yet bubbling with fun. The story builds to an hilarious and very cleverly executed twist at the end and we just wanted to read it again and again. Perfect for fans of The Littlest Yak by Lu Fraser, it will make little ones want to go yeti-hunting rather than Santa-searching this Christmas. 

Yetis and Santa...could be an idea for a sequel there, Kate!

The Dragon With the Blazing Bottom at Christmas by Beach

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Published by: Simon&Schuster, 10th October 2024

In three words: Chaotic Christmas Caper

If you don't mind a bit of toilet humour then this is definitely the series for you. Rivalling the very popular, The Dinosaur That Pooped Christmas by Tom Fletcher and Dougie Poynter, this latest instalment is a festive, fast-paced frolic told in fun and frentic rhyme...

Disaster has struck! Santa is missing! But never fear because Sir Wayne and Dragon can rock Christmas just as well as Santa and his reindeer...can't they? And if all else fails, then never fear...because they have a super-special trick up that Santa definitely doesn't have.

Twisting the famous Christmas story, Twas The Night Before Christmas, into a whole new format and genre, this is a fantastical, farting caper that had us laughing-out-loud. The complex rhyme is both funny and awe-inspiring and there's funny scenario after funny scenario. This story explodes off the page with the energy and boom of an and there's barely time to take a breath. Little readers will be begging to share this story again and again with their relatives but just be aware of easily offended grandparents...yes, mum, I'm talking about you.


Fox Goes North by Jeremy Strong, illustrated by Heegyum Kim

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Published by: Scholastic, October 10th 2024

In three words: Animals, Journey, Adventure

I have to confess that, although coming across them many times, I have never actually read a Jeremy Strong book and neither have my children. I'm now hugely regretting this because Fox Goes North is as stunning as the front cover - breathtakingly beautiful and heartbreakingly poignant. Naturally, the story is made even more poignant by the fact that this was the late Jeremy Strong's final story which he wrote whilst facing terminal cancer...

Standing with her suitcase, Fox feels that something extraordinary is about to happen. It totally is for, suddenly, over the horizon trundles a house on wheels, pulled by Moose, driven by Bear and navigated by Toucan. As Fox joins their party and heads off in search of the Northern Lights, this journey proves to be one to remember. But who will return?

This story reminded me very much of my favourite chapter book series, Rabbit and Bear, by Julian Gough and Jim Field, and The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy. Like Rabbit and Bear, it's a totally gorgeous and very funny animal story, with perfectly drawn characters, which offers truthful and thought-provoking observations of life. However, in light of what the author was no doubt experiencing in his own life, Fox Goes North, offers up a slightly more complex storyline, packed with some difficult questions and a raw beauty and emotion which, for me, aligned it with Charlie Mackesy's bestseller. 

If that makes the story sound heavy, then don't worry, it's not. Jeremy Strong handles the themes in the novel with the lightness of snow, balancing the story with brilliantly executed humour - aka llama and toucan and Little Owl - so that it's perfect for the age-group. Every character is memorable, the visual descriptions of the landscape are stunning and the illustrations just complete a perfect package. This is a book of the year for me and a new timeless classic which should be shared in as many classrooms and homes as possible. 

Middle Grade

The Biggest Christmas Secret Ever by L D Lapinski

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In three words: Christmas, Santa, Family, 

Published by: Hachette, 10th October 2024

We loved the first instalment of this last year and, in our opinion, this sequel is even better. This is my reluctant middle reader's favourite festive find and she devoured it whilst smiling all the way through. There's something about L.D Lapinski's writing in this series that is just so light and readable and we found ourselves absolutely racing through the pages...

Harper's family unit has changed beyond recognition. Not only is her mum's partner Father Christmas but now she and Will have a new baby sister, Yula. But soon it becomes apparant that Yula has inherited some of her father's magic. How on earth can they keep their Christmas secret underwraps now?

With one foot firmly planted in reality and the other foot playing with very fun fantasy, this story is the perfect mix for readers who, like my middle reader, are not keen on high fantasy. The text is accessible and akin to a Lottie Brooks type narrative but with the added addition of some Christmassy capers. Yula is just an adorable addition to the series and so are the elusive gingerbread figures. Tosie Mistle also makes a fab 'Dolores Umbridge' baddie and then there's all the cosy descriptions of food and the relatable issues that come with most families - working parents, change, new relationships and feelings. I particularly loved Harper's struggling emotions as she works out what Nick means to her and the lovely conclusion. 

Top marks for a quick, fun, Christmassy read.

Sprouts by Sibeal Pounder

Published by: Bloomsbury, September 2024

In three words: Christmas, Witches, Krampuses

For those who prefer high fantasy, then why not dive into Sprouts - the book, not the food. I was completely won over by the pitch of Christmas x witches but even more so when I realised that this is a sort of sequel to Sibeal Pounder's brilliant Tinsel, although you don't have to have read that story to appreciate this one. 

It's the year 4024 and Christmas happens everyday all over the world. From holographic elves to endless presents, the Krampus Alliance ensures that everyone is behaving Christmassy ALL the time...and there's big punishments if they're not.

Gryla Garland, a witch who is banished to the Mince Pie Isles, is desperate to experience this world of Christmassy joy. But her coven of witches believe that Christmas should only be celebrated once a year - as it used to be - and are therefore forbidden to leave the Isles. But when she is snatched by a girl in a sleigh, Gryla embarks on an adventure of discovery...and truth. 

Told in a highly imaginative and fun way, this story explores the concept of  'too much of a good thing'. With unpleasantness lurking underneath the dazzle of Christmas lights, Gryla must dig deep under the snow to discover the reality of a constant Christmas and try and heal the divisions that have been created between witches, elves, the krampuses and the rest of the world. 

Sibeal Pounder's worldbuilding and her ability to write stories that crackle with magic is a joy. As readers are whisked from magical landscape to magical landscape, prepare for a rollercoaster ride of witches, walking trees, candy canes, potions and spells. What an incredible combination!

A big thanks to NetGalley for allowing us review copies of some of these titles. All are available to buy now.

It's our seasonal Christmas and wintery round-up 2024...

It's been extra busy in our house this year with new jobs, new schools and all sorts going on. That's made it even more important to...