Tuesday, 4 August 2020

NEW RELEASE: Never Show a T-Rex a Book by Rashmi Sirdeshpande and Diane Ewen

                                                                   Link to publisher
                                                  Published by: Penguin, August 6th 2020         

Our summer pre-orders are rolling in and this is one we have particularly excited about: Don't Show a T-Rex a book by Rashmi Sirdeshpande and Diane Ewen.

I love pre-ordering books because it gives us lots of time to wonder what delights await us behind the cover and the title. In this case, my five year old's prediction was...
"Why should you never show a T-Rex a book...?
Because he or she will EAT it!!!"

Well, yes, that is definitely one possibility but we soon found out that this talented author had dreamt up far bigger reasons in her debut picture book. Ones that far surpassed our imaginations and which took the adventure in a completely different direction to the one we'd anticipated. And boy, did we love it!

So what will happen if you show a T-Rex a book? Imagining what could happen conjures up endless possibilities but as it turns out, in this story, the T-rex has far more about her than sharp teeth, a scary roar and a desire to chomp on the pages. Lets just say that the precious page-turner educates her to be the best she can be...taking her on an ambitious journey which involves libraries, classrooms and BIG changes to the law! 

The quality of this book is amazing and Diane Ewen's stunning illustrations make the story completely roarsome, proving that when your imagination runs wild only good things can happen. The book lays tribute to the wonderful power of books and to the librarians who champion that power everyday by making them accessible to the public. 

There's chaos and warmth and big, BIG dreams awaiting in this story, alongside a powerful message to young readers: there are no limits to imagination just as there are no limits to possibilities. 

So if you LOVE dinosaurs but maybe aren't so keen on books, get this one! It may just change your mind. In fact:

Never EVER show a five year old this book...
because he'll never put it down!

Never Show a T-Rex a Book is out this Thursday! Hoorah!      


  1. Tyrannosaurus Rex discovering the joy of reading... Great concept that'll fire children's imagination


  2. The Breadcrumb Forest
    Find your way through the fantastic forest of children's stories with this book review blog of picture books, junior fiction and middle grade publications.


    Tuesday, 4 August 2020
    NEW RELEASE: Never Show a T-Rex a Book by Rashmi Sirdeshpande and Diane Ewen

    Link to publisher
    Published by: Penguin, August 6th 2020

    Our summer pre-orders are rolling in and this is one we have particularly excited about: Don't Show a T-Rex a book by Rashmi Sirdeshpande and Diane Ewen.

    I love pre-ordering books because it gives us lots of time to wonder what delights await us behind the cover and the title. In this case, my five year old's prediction was...
    "Why should you never show a T-Rex a book...?
    Because he or she will EAT it!!!"

    Well, yes, that is definitely one possibility but we soon found out that this talented author had dreamt up far bigger reasons in her debut picture book. Ones that far surpassed our imaginations and which took the adventure in a completely different direction to the one we'd anticipated. And boy, did we love it!

    So what will happen if you show a T-Rex a book? Imagining what could happen conjures up endless possibilities but as it turns out, in this story, the T-rex has far more about her than sharp teeth, a scary roar and a desire to chomp on the pages. Lets just say that the precious page-turner educates her to be the best she can be...taking her on an ambitious journey which involves libraries, classrooms and BIG changes to the law!

    The quality of this book is amazing and Diane Ewen's stunning illustrations make the story completely roarsome, proving that when your imagination runs wild only good things can happen. The book lays tribute to the wonderful power of books and to the librarians who champion that power everyday by making them accessible to the public.

    There's chaos and warmth and big, BIG dreams awaiting in this story, alongside a powerful message to young readers: there are no limits to imagination just as there are no limits to possibilities.


    Tyrannosaurus Rex discovering the joy of reading... Great concept that'll fire children's imagination
    Dan Jog


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